An available and accessible arena for student self-development

By promoting reflection and discussion around topics related to mental health and well-being

Our sessions are peer-support based, helping you relate to others and express your thoughts. This creates an open environment where people can share as much or as little as they want to.

Exploring yourself in a group environment can help you get to know yourself and be resilient for future life ups and downs.
How does it work?
Pick a workshop you’re interested in here on our website. We will contact you about organizing a time and date that works.
Participate The workshops take 1,5 hours and are in groups of 3-6 students, led by two trained student facilitators.
Here we do a combination of self-reflection exercises, share experiences, and create actionable steps together.
Key Takeaway. Take home your workbook with your personal reflection and one reflection exercise for at home.

2 Student Facilitators
Trained by hii in collaboration with TU Delft student psychologists
3 - 6 Students
in one workshop group

hii materials
Developed as a mix of Creative Facilitatioin and Positive Psychology

hii workshop booklet
Jenny (participant, dealing with stress)
“Hearing others talking about their stress made me realise I am not alone in what I am feeling.”
Laura (participant, my strengths)
“I thought of being spontaneous as a kind of weakness, since I am always a bit all over the place and unorganised... but I realised it's actually one of my personal strengths. I bring some spice into other peoples lives and end up in unexpected situations!”
Peter (participant, dealing with stress)
“I am still thinking about the goal I set for myself every day, it helps me structure my day and keep focus”