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About hii

Hii is created by students, for students with help and feedback from psychologists and student counselors. We noticed that many students are interested in developing themselves and building mental resilience. However, going to a psychologist feels too severe, and they have long waiting lists. Many apps for improving mental health are expensive and designed to be done alone. We see the value in doing it together.
Our mission with Hii is to make peer support available and accessible for all students, providing a low-key arena to express thoughts, develop and build resilience. We do this by organizing workshop structures combining methods from design and positive psychology, developed in cooperation with psychologists at TU Delft.

We've also collaborated on events and workshops with other organisations like How are U week, DISS, LATITUD, the Graduation Community Program and X.

The Team

Workshop Facilitators

Apply to be a facilitator in hii!



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